Parapsychology studies

What is Parapsychology? Parapsychology is the scientific study of exchanges between living organisms and their peripheral environment that seem to exceed the known physical laws of nature. Majority of scientists say that there are no such things like bending of spoons through thought, premonitions, ghosts, mind reading and other mysteriesContinue Reading

Psychic signs and symbols

Psychic signs and symbols are those which give information to the psychics during their reading. Not only psychics, but we too receive the guidance in our daily lives through these signs and symbols. We must try and develop to observe the indications that give information we required. Many times weContinue Reading


In the field of psychic phenomena, there are many skills that are manifested by the psychics. Among those skills, ability to predict the future and revealing the past are the most common type of psychic ability. Knowing the past is what we call as retrocognition. What is Retrocognition When youContinue Reading

psychic dreams

One of the most interesting and curios topics for many is interpretation of dreams, whether it is a psychic dream or a normal dream. Many people, whether they have heard about psychic or not, they are eager to know what their dreams mean. You need to have a good knowledgeContinue Reading