Psychic Influence – Techniques to Control and Influence Using Psychic Power
Psychic influence is one of the most interesting topics in the psychic field and one of the easy to develop powers without much experience. Anyone can use this power with little effort once they start practicing it. Every one of us use this power in our daily lives either consciouslyContinue Reading
Astral Projection For Beginners – Tips, Techniques and Benefits
What is Astral Projection Astral projection refers to an out-of-body-experience (OBE) during which the astral body leaves the physical body and travels to the astral plane. It is the ability to separate your awareness from the physical body. For the people, who never heard of this feel it like aContinue Reading
Psychic Healing – Definition | Techniques | Signs To Know Whether You Have This Power
Human mind is capable of doing many unexpected things, for which science too dealing with those things. One of them is the ability to heal persons without medicines and can even perform surgery by just using mind. Persons who are capable of doing this are called Psychic healers or sometimesContinue Reading
Psychic Meditation For Beginners | How To Start And End The Session
Psychic meditation is nothing much different from a normal meditation. The only difference is that in normal meditation, the purpose of the person is to obtain just a calm and stress less state of mind. Whereas, in psychic meditation, the intention of the person who meditates is to develop psychicContinue Reading
What Is Clairvoyance And How To Develop It To Become Clairvoyant
Have you ever thought of becoming a clairvoyant? Or ever thought of consulting them to predict your future and guide you? Now, for you to take help from them is not required, because clairvoyance is the ability which you can develop very easily if you can spend sometime everyday. WhatContinue Reading
What Is ExtraSensory Perception : Do We Really Gifted With This Ability?
Have you ever felt like you knew what someone was going to say before they said it? Did your dreams ever come true? Or have you ever had a vision of something and you have witnessed in reality? Most of us have experienced one or more of these types ofContinue Reading