Nina Kulagina

A Russian woman, in 1970, manipulated a frog’s heart and made it to stop in one of the experiments, with her psychic abilities. She used her power of mind over matter. She is none other than Nina Kulagina aka Ninel Sergeyevna Kulagina. “Ninel” is the name “Lenin” spelled in reverseContinue Reading

Signs of Poltergeist

Poltergeist activity is the most widely misunderstood concept in paranormal study. Many are confused this activity with ghost or haunting phenomenon. In this article, you will learn the signs of a poltergeist which helps you to identify whether you have a poltergeist at home. Read more in the article “WhatContinue Reading

Poltergeist Definition

Do you know any teenagers who is in a stressful situation? Then, beware of them. Because, they may cause objects flying, doors banging, electrical disturbances and many unusual things without any force acting on them. This phenomenon is known as a Poltergeist Activity. Poltergeist Definition What is Poltergeist? Poltergeist isContinue Reading

How to levitate for real

Do you travel often? Or would you like to travel without taking any means of transport? Then, you have to learn a rare psychokinesis or psychic ability called “Levitation”. What is levitation? Levitation is the psychic ability of the mind to rise from the ground and float on air. TheContinue Reading


Tеlеkіnеѕіѕ rеfеrѕ to moving objects from one place to another without using physical contact. It аlѕо mеаnѕ re-shaping of objects using the mind’s energies, such as bending a ѕрооn, оr key, bу just holding іt and focusing. Thе term ‘Telekinesis’ соmеѕ frоm the Greek wоrdѕ “tele” meaning ‘far or farContinue Reading